Yesterday, 07.03.2018, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Osijek, a cross-border conference was held within the framework of the project SUECH funded by Hungary-Croatia 2014-2020 Cross-Border Cooperation Program. The participants were welcomed by representatives of all partners: the City of Osijek, the Association of EU Center, Renewable Energy Sources Osijek Ltd. and the Regional Development Agency of Slavonia and Baranja on the Croatian side, and the companies of Inno-Motive and the City of Kozarmisleny from Hungary. The lecturers were Dr Istvan Kistelegdi and Dr. Istvan Haber from the University of Pécs, Daniel Bence Szinyei from Go-Home Ltd., Damir Vidaković from Energo-day Ltd., Domagoj Vidaković from the EU Center, Dr. Hrvoje Glavaš and Hrvoje Krstić from the University of Osijek and Josip Petanović from Emasys Ltd.